Friday, October 2, 2009

Mudslides and flooding in Messina



AT THIS TIME I DO NOT THINK THAT THEY LIVE IN THE AREA OF THE MUDSLIDES (I am not sure where exactly the mudslides occurred. More later...)

Page last updated at 11:51 GMT, Friday, 2 October 2009 12:51 UK

At least 13 people have died and more are missing after heavy rain triggered mudslides in the Italian city of Messina in northern Sicily.

The violent mudslides and flooding destroyed several buildings, swept away cars and blocked road and rail links.

Some of the victims were trapped when mud and debris engulfed their homes following the overnight storm.

Rescue dogs were being used in the search for survivors, Messina Mayor Giuseppe Buzzanca told Italy's Sky TV.

He added that the rescue efforts were being hampered because some areas were only reachable by foot, and urged doctors, nurses and volunteers to go to the stricken zone to help.

More than 100 people left their homes when the mudslides struck, officials said.

Some 40 people have been treated in hospital.

Gente sui tetti, messina sud isolata, vigli del fuoco in arrivo da Catania e da Roma

Messina - E' allarme in Sicilia per il maltempo, una regione messa in ginocchio da nubifragi e trombe d'aria come quelle che hanno colpito la zona del messinese, ma anche trapani e Palermo. Sono state registrate trombe d'aria anche a Lipari nelle isole Eolie, senza causare vittime fortunatamente. I vigili del fuoco lavorano sul campo nelle zone isolate del messinese e stanno arrivando rinforzi, via elicottero, oltre che da Catania anche dalla Capitale

Nella galleria Briga dell'autostrada Messina-Catania per quasi tutta la notte ci sono stati mezzi pesanti e camionisti bloccati all'interno. Numerose anche le ruspe in azione per cercare di liberare le strade.


  1. Good afternoon, Maria!
    Floods and mudslides are awful things!! So much destruction and misery! Hope your relatives were safe!

  2. Hello Dorothy, I have news about a cousin and her family, they are all right. I have been unable to contact the other family members. My gut feeling is that they are all right but I will feel better when I know for sure.
    Thank you for writing. Maria


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